Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Saving A Schoology Course to Resources

Two important Schoology reminders for the end of the semester are saving your course to Resources and keeping your course from being archived. A step-by-step description of how to save your course to Resources is provided below (thanks to Kirsten Fletcher) and a click here to view a prior blog post on saving your course from the "archive".

To move course material to resources (recommended at end of semester)...
  • First, go to Resources and create a collection by clicking on the file box with the green + sign. Give your collection a title (i.e. French 1). Within this same collection, you can save each semester of your course as a separate folder.
Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 9.43.08 AM.png

  • Go to Course page and click on Options -> Save course to Resources

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  • Choose the collection you created in Resources and click submit
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  • Discussion answers, grades, students’ grades and posts, and students’ assignment submissions will not be copied to resources


  1. I was hoping I could save all the products that were submitted to the media folder...Any ideas how to do that without burning DVD's

  2. Hi Liz,
    I don't have much personal experience with media albums, but in looking it up, it seems that there isn't a "mass download" feature yet on Schoology. (https://support.schoology.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/201877358-Media-Albums) I do see that you can download each one individually, but not as a whole.


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