Thursday, November 9, 2017

Tech Tips and Tricks: A Teaming on Tuesday Roundtable

By Linda Ashida

There are always new tech tips and tricks to discover to improve organization, productivity, and efficiency in creating, collaborating and sharing our learning.

Mark Heintz and Quinn Loch helped us do that this week by facilitating Teaming on Tuesday with a repeat of their popular Institute Day session. Once again they shared some of their favorite tips, and they invited participants to share some of their own.

There were definitely a few "Aha" and "Wow! Why didn't I know about this sooner?!" moments.

Check out the Video clips below and maybe you'll have a few "Aha" moments of your own!

Screen Record with iPad to create resources for students

Quinn Loch shared an easy way to screen record with the iPad with just a quick adjustment in the settings. He uses screen recording often to create video notes using Notability.  In addition to buidling a repetoire of video resources for students to einforce learning from class, Quinn has also used this to allow students to complete a lab, even on a day he was absent. Using the screen-record feature he shared "how to"  instructions for students via Schoology. To learn more, check out Quinn's earlier blog post from this topic.

Just imagine the ways your students could use this feature as well to create demonstrations of their learning and make their thinking visible!

Use Google Docs to foster Team Collaboration

Mark Heintz shared how he and his PLC use Google Docs to facilitate collaboration with team members by sharing course calendars to share lessons and resources.

Use Mark-Up Tool on Screen Shots to annotate, clarify, edit, revise . . .

Cliff Darnall had some great tips for using the Mark-Up tool on screen shots that few of us knew about or had used in the creative ways he suggested! Check it out!

Use Split Screen and other Google Chrome feature to Improve productivity and organization!

Katie Winstead is a master of maximizing tech resources  to keep organized and improve efficiency for herself and her students. Check out some of her favorite tips in the clips below!

Thank you to all who joined us and for sharing!

Do you have some tips of your own to share?  We'd love to hear from you!

1 comment:

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